Sunday, November 29, 2015

OSWP - A fun jaunt into Wireless Security

Worth the time if you have a few weekends to burn.

I was thoroughly impressed with OSCP and it's something I evangelize pretty frequently. Some invaluable lessons and skills are imparted, well worth the time commitment.

OSWP is a little outdated. It's mainly focused on WEP, then  goes over a few WPA/WPA2 techniques. There's not a ton you can do with WPA2 these days, but it's not uncharted territory. (WPS attacks aren't even mentioned)

The course will take you some time. You'll need to buy some hardware to make headway. I strongly suggest taking your time and reading the materials before you purchase.


Exam was very easy, if you do the course. They give you 3 and a half hours. About 90 minutes in, I was submitting my report.

I think everyone has an issue with the labs. A quick reboot of my machine fixed an issue. Use multiple SSH sessions!

If you're curious about security, particularly wireless security.. this is a good starter cert.